resources for Older Adults

The number of older adults in the U.S. continues to rise and, thanks to advancements in healthcare, adults can continue to live vibrant and sexually healthy lives.

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WHY SEX ED for Older Adults?

Healthy adults are also essential to the well-being of every community.

With medical and overall health advancements, people are living longer and more sexually active lives. Much has changed, however, since older adults may have received sexual health education (if they did at all).

Sexuality is very often overlooked as a topic of conversation with older adults especially when preventing pregnancy is no longer a concern. Now that adults are living longer and have other various factors such as divorces, and sexual enhancement drugs, the likelihood is increased for a longer sex life that occurs well into the later years of the lifespan. And yet, older adults are experiencing high rates of STDs and HIV, and are less likely to know about ways to prevent and recognize disease. Visit here to see what research is showing about the sexual health of older adults.

It is crucial, in fact, life-changing, for persons who work with, live with, and care for older adults to become comfortable with discussing sexual health with them as well as help provide a space for healthy, consensual relationships to occur.

Sex education is essential across the lifespan. EOI has long recognized the need for this type of education and is excited to be working closely with retirement communities to educate and support staff in learning how to be comfortable in discussing older adult sexuality.

According to the National Social Life, Health, and Aging Project survey of more than 3,000 people between the ages of 57 and 85, approximately 75 percent of people between 57 and 64 reported being sexually active. More than half of people between 65 and 74 reported being sexually active, and more than a quarter of those 75-85 reported being sexually active. And yet, the sexual health needs of older adults are often overlooked. EOI is pleased to partner with retirement communities to support staff in addressing this gap.


EOI partners with local retirement communities and works closely with all staff to strengthen the support for healthy sexuality among the residents. Options include:

  • Training for all staff about how discuss sexuality with older adults

  • Training on STDs, HIV, and prevention methods

  • Education about healthy relationships and the “red flags” of an unhealthy relationship

  • Education about older adults, social media, and online dating

  • Education about LGBTQ older adults

  • Education about verbal and non-verbal consent

  • Assessment of facility policies including staff responsibilities, resident rights, consent, privacy, intervention, nondiscrimination



Online resources can help answer questions. Always seek advice from a medical professional. This page is updated regularly. For additional information about services EOI can provide for retirement communities, contact Shari Stucker.

National Institute on Aging

Resources and information for sexuality in later life

National Hispanic Council on Aging

Resources and information for sexuality in later life

American Academy of Family Physicians

Resources and advice for talking with medical professionals

In-Home Care Resources for Iowa Seniors

Resources specific to Iowans needing in-home services


Open discussion and resources about many topics related to sexuality for older adults

AARP: sex and intimacy

Offers advice, tips, and resources for healthy sexual relationships

Sage: Advocacy and services for LGBT elders

One Iowa
