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Peer Advocates for Safer Sex (PASS)


What is PASS?

Iowa was chosen to receive an innovative grant to pilot the Peer Advocates for Safer Sex (PASS) Project. The goal is to help install seamless programming around pregnancy and STI prevention, sex education, consent, and sexual assault prevention by training resident assistants to serve as sexual health educators to their peers. The project is a pilot for a national movement.

What are the long-term goals of the PASS Program?

  • Reduce the rates of unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
  • Empower campuses across Iowa with comprehensive, medically-based sex ed
  • Lead the nation in a movement to train RAs to serve as sex educators
  • Decrease the rates of sexual assault through prevention and consent education
  • Increase freshman retention rate
  • Educate students on birth control, condom use and access, LGBTQ needs and services, sexual assault prevention
  • Lower the cost spent each year due to unintended pregnancies and abortions.

Why train RAs?

Resident Assistants have direct access to first year students and individuals in crisis. They also interact with students from many cultural backgrounds and those with little or no sexual health knowledge.

PASS is available for your college!

Grant funding for this program has been suspended but EyesOpenIowa continues to partner with college campuses to provide this service. EyesOpenIowa staff can help you launch the program, provide training, and create protocol. Our dedicated team will provide continuing support and work with you to tailor a plan that fits your campus best. If you would like further details on this, contact Kristin Fairholm.


Click here to download the PASS flyer.

Safe Sexpert sexual health resource/education service for young adults.
